Moses Yao



早在09年起,我就开始了托福IBT的教学,这也而引起了我对教育学的热情。除了授课之外,我对比较教育政策尤其感兴趣,而之后也取得了范德堡大学教育学硕士和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的经济学硕士,尤其专注于教育政策、教育心理学、政治经济学、计量经济学、和经济学史 。期间也参与很多智库的工作,包括Cato Institute和Reason Magazine,从事政策研究和写作。 在教育方面,也持续和多所国际学校合作,包括教材发展,留学申请和授课的工作。除了留学课程,也通过AP经济、历史、统计、政治的教学来帮助学生发展自己的世界观和思维方式。当协助学生申请大学时,我会帮助学生发掘自己的故事并于理想学校建立联系。工作学习之余,兴趣包括绘画,乐器,游泳,短道速滑,而且在国内的微缩模型涂装圈也小有名气。这些广泛的兴趣和多领域的经验也使得我总能获得灵感和创意去帮助学生找到最好的申请策略。 As early as 2009, I started teaching TOEFL IBT, which also aroused my enthusiasm for pedagogy. In addition to teaching, I am particularly interested in comparative education policy. Later, I also obtained a master's degree in education from Vanderbilt University and a master's degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, focusing on education policy, educational psychology, and political economy , Econometrics, and History of Economics. During the period, I also participated in the work of many think tanks, including Cato Institute and Reason Magazine, engaged in policy research and writing. In terms of education, it also continues to cooperate with many international schools, including the development of teaching materials, application for study abroad and teaching. In addition to studying abroad courses, AP economics, history, statistics, and politics are also used to help students develop their own worldview and way of thinking. When assisting students in applying to universities, I will help students discover their own stories and establish connections with their ideal schools. Apart from work and study, his interests include painting, musical instruments, swimming, short track speed skating, and he is also well-known in the domestic miniature painting circle. These broad interests and multi-field experience also allow me to always get inspiration and creativity to help students find the best application strategy.


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Cato Institute


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Reason Magazine



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