Alice Guo



国内本科毕业后,我赴比利时读硕,在申请的过程中,摸爬滚打、踩过坑、走过弯路,总结了一套申请经验。通过我的申请经验和海外求学经历,让我看到了庞大数量的中国学生求学无门,在申请上面临着面临着巨大的信息壁垒,这也是我加入清柚成为申请顾问的重要契机,我希望通过我的努力,可以帮助他们更了解自己、了解申请,拿到Dream School的Offer! After finishing my undergraduate studies in China, I packed my bag and went to Belgium for graduate school. During the application process, I went through setbacks, stepped on pits, and took detours. Fortunately, these experiences became my valuable fortune. I have witnessed a great number of Chinese students who study and would study overseas encounter unbreakable information barriers in their applications, which motivated me to become an Application Consultant in Cheersyou, China. With my endeavors, I am looking forward to helping students learn the application process, and more importantly, know themselves better, and walking them to their dream schools.


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清柚教育 Cheersyou

申请顾问 Application Consultant

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英孚教育 EF Education First

英语老师助教 Teaching Assistant


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荷语鲁汶大学 KU LEUVEN

英语语言文学硕士 Linguistics and Literature: English
